
Tick on dog

Recorded Webinar: Hematology of Infectious Disease

Does reviewing blood films make you uneasy? Do you question if it’s artifact or parasite? Watch this Free 1-HR webinar with Michael Rosser, DVM, DACVP, MS

ultrasound on dog

Recorded Webinar: What’s In That Belly??! Your Beginner’s Guide to Canine Abdominal Ultrasound

Watch this free webinar or an introduction to identifying the five main abdominal organs on a live canine patient.

Recorded Webinar: Surgical Management of Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome

Learn about brachycephalic airway syndrome surgical techniques to give your clients peace of mind and peace at night!

Cat with Chin Allergy

Recorded Webinar: Atopic Cats . . . What Are My Options

Dr. Alice Jeromin, Veterinary Dermatologist, brings an organized approach to evaluating and treating atopic cats who can present with extremely variable clinical signs.


Recorded Webinar: Nuances of Neutrophils: Mastering Interpretation

Broaden your differential diagnoses with a focus on the causes of increased or decreased neutrophil count in this 1-hour webinar.

Veterinarian doing dental check

Recorded Webinar: Fractured Teeth: Facts and Fiction

Watch this 1-hour webinar to learn how to separate fact from fiction with real cases of fractured teeth.

Veterinarian looking at cat eye through ocular scope

Recorded Webinar: Eyemergencies: Managing Urgent Ophthalmic Cases for All Practitioners

Watch this 1-hour webinar to understand the causes, diagnostics tests, treatments and prognoses for several common ocular eyemergencies seen in dogs and cats.

Equine Exam

Recorded Webinar: Equine Colic Exam: Improving Workup with Diagnosis

Watch this 1-hour webinar and gain a firm understanding of the complete diagnostic workup for suspected colic cases in equine patients.

Collecting Feline Urine Sample

Recorded Webinar: Sedimentary My Dear Doctor: Uncovering the Mysteries of Urine Sediment Analysis

Learn about standardizing urine sediment set-up techniques, for accurate results interpretation and avoiding common pitfalls.

Puppy on an IV

Recorded Webinar: Benefits of Pre-Anesthetic Assessment for the Patient and Your Practice

Learn how to improve anesthesia management and patient outcomes while having a positive impact on your practice.

Veterinarian caring for patient

Recorded Webinar: Create a Relaxing and Effective Analgesic Plan for your Patients

Get a better handle on post-operative pain management in your veterinary patients with this webinar on managing analgesia.

Recorded Webinar: Practical Clinical Neurology for the General Practitioner

Learn how neurology can be fun and easy. Neurologic cases are rarely straightforward, and every patient has unique needs. Incease your confidence managing neurologic patients.